Sunday, February 3, 2008

XLII - All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight

Today is Superbowl Sunday, and I can't wait until Monday. For me, most of the Superbowl will take place on Monday. I will get to start the mayhem of New York vs. New England in Old Arizona at about 11:00pm Sunday night, and, assuming there is no overtime, the game will finish just before 3:00am Monday morning.

I will probably stay up to watch the whole game, and I hope The Giants crush The Patriots in the same manor that actual giants would crush actual Patriots in an Ultimate Cage Fighting Superbowl. I hope I can rope a few friends here to watching the big game with me, although I'm sure the Superbowl is as exciting to Brits as the Rugby World Cup finals were to me. I can try to explain the "funny commercials," but I have a feeling that Pepsi, FedEx, and Budweiser become less funny at 2:00am. On the plus side, if I do get my British friends to watch the big game I figure it will be natural for the English to root against The Patriots.

As if you don't hate The Patriots already, here are 16 more reasons:

1 comment:

Eric Nelson said...

As for me, I'm sure there's nothing quite like the super bowl at a crazy chinese bar at six o'clock in the morning.