For the last 7 days I have been walking across Spain. Or perhaps it would be more accurate if I said that I have already walked across Spain, and, since I'm being truthful, you should know that to me 'across' is best described as 112 kilometers of Spain.
One week ago, at 4:30am I embarked on a holy mission to Spain to travel the Camino de Santiago de Campostella, a pilgrimage to the resting sight of St. James. I flew into Santiago and then took a 3+ hour bus journey deep into the heart of Galacia, traversing the land I would spend the next week crossing. I figure a picture is worth 1000 words, and I'm being lazy so here is my picture diary of the Camino de Santiago de Compostella

So many different ways to mark where I'm supposed to go . . . still I managed to get lost.

You have to stamp a pilgrims record as you go along to prove you did the pilgrimage. My question remains, why would you lie about a pilgrimage and who are you proving this to?

My group with only 100km to go.

A look at the trail.

Hey look! Orange things!

Spanish grave yards are nuts. Apparently there was a shortage of shovels at some point so they started stacking things up. On the plus side, this would be easy to recrate with Legos.

One reason why you don't drink too much the night before walking 25 kilometers.

Cafes are a must on any pilgrimage. I wasn't exactly roughing it.

Spanish jail?

This is how dapper I looked as a pilgrim. Notice how I switched the traditional hat with a big buckle for a much more Gilligan look.

My load . . . the smallest on the trip, but I did get tired of wearing the same thing every day for a week.

These Portugese guys (and a Brazilian) had each won a metal for how much wine they drank at lunch time. Needless to say, I enjoyed my few hours hearing their stores (in Potrugese so I didn't follow much) when I walked with them after lunch.

Oh come one now. That's not nice.

The End . . . Finally.
P.S. I will stop doing this week on/summary/week off blog thing cause it's lame. Sorry.